Brush sweeping in orchards and vineyards

Sweeping the tree strip not only improves and simplifies chopping prunings but because leaves are removed from the ground, it also helps preventing fungi to grow and makes weed control easier.
PERFECT brush sweepers are all equipped with a swivel wheel; the brushes rotate around this swivel wheel. This way, the sweeper always follows the terrain, completely independent from the tractor. This improves the result. PERFECT brush sweepers are also known for their longevity.
Instead of elastic longwearing brushes, PERFECT brush sweepers can also be equipped with rubber flaps; these are placed horizontally and move around a support saucer with ball bearing. This is an excellent solution to process bigger prunings or for example leftover fruits.
Brush sweepers for leaves and prunings
The PERFECT range entails sweepers to mount to a pruning chopper (SPA) or to link onto the front of the tractor (SPF). A double brush sweeper (SPD) is available to sweep both tree strips in one passage.
Brush sweepers for leaves and prunings
The PERFECT range entails sweepers to mount to a pruning chopper (SPA) or to link onto the front of the tractor (SPF). A double brush sweeper (SPD) is available to sweep both tree strips in one passage.