Mowing in orchards and vineyards

PERFECT – Van Wamel has been the right address for specialized mowing machines for orchards and vineyards for over 70 years.

A very elaborate range has been developed during this time. And so, we can proudly provide a suitable rotary mower for nearly every producer and parcel worldwide.

When manufacturing our orchard mowers, mowing quality and the quality of the machine itself (and its life span) are our priority. Fruit (and grape) growers on all continents have been working satisfactorily with PERFECT mowers for years and prove that PERFECT mowers are the best in their class.

Orchard mowers

The PERFECT programme entails diverse orchard rotary mowers with a set working width, orchard mowers with adjustable working widths and rotary mowers with 1 or 2 swing arms to mow in between rows.



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